Election fever

I’m afraid I didn’t have a new Something Interesting last week, and I don’t have one this week. You will be pleased to know, though, that I spent the time I should’ve spent writing them engaged in two vital activities:
1. Writing election-related humor.
2. Arguing about the election with my cousin.
Thanks to my heroic engagement in these two activities, I can guarantee you that Senator Kerry will win the election… unless, somewhere in the world, some Republican has cancelled my efforts by arguing with his own cousin, in which case, all bets are off.
Wait a minute. All the time I was arguing with my Republican cousin, he was arguing with me. Curse those wily Republicans! Looks like this election will have to be decided by the voters.
Next week, I will have calmed down and can once again stop obsessing, and start writing entries that don’t have the word “election” in every sentence. In the meantime, check out my new election-day guide to understanding the electoral college as well as my new ad, George Bush & The Constitution.

6 Responses to “Election fever”

  1. Aaron

    Tell me, sir, now that we have re-elected Bush do we look even more like a bunch of morons? I am concerned that in my future travels abroad that I will have to apologize even more for Bush’s BS.

  2. Pogo

    I too am very sad about the results of the election. Now it’ll take even more work to convince other countries that American’s don’t all support the guy in the white house. On a side note, gotta say i love your blog. I’ve become a regular visiter.

  3. Mike Sager

    “My Republican Cousin”. Sounds like a bad Jane Austen novel.
    Then again, we’ve just confirmed we’re living in a bad Orwell novel.

  4. The Fabulous Miss Rose

    My but you’re funny! It’s as if you went to an establishment of higher education to hone your writing skills…
    By the by, please send my deepest and most sincere apoligies to the UK. I truly am sorry that Messrs Bush and Cheney were re-elected. ‘Twas a lapse in moral judgement, and I shan’t let it happen again.
    Much Love,

  5. Meredith

    I enjoy your site as well, so thanks!
    Just a point of fact that I am curious to know what other people thought of. Bush did earn twice as many democrat votes (one of which was mine) as Kerry earned of republican votes. I know my own reasons, but I’d be curious to know what theories those who voted for Kerry might suggest for such an imbalance of cross-overs. I think that resolving this issue is the key to getting the democratic party we all grew up with back (which I hope eventually occurs).

  6. Jacob Sager Weinstein

    Thanks, all for the comments. Meredith, I think other people’s guesses as to your motivations are likely to be less interesting and informative than your own explanations! I, for one, would be interested in hearing what you have to say on this.