I came across a rather interesting eBay auction. I wonder if it’s authentic? If so, I wonder how the guy got his hands on it.
Matthew? Any guesses?
I came across a rather interesting eBay auction. I wonder if it’s authentic? If so, I wonder how the guy got his hands on it.
Matthew? Any guesses?
Would love to to know the story!
There are two stages in the publishing process where multiple pre-publication copies are produced: at manuscript submission when the manuscript is sent out for advance endorsements and at page proofs when galleys are sent out to reviewers. Because this doesn’t look like a galley, my guess is that someone who received this in hopes he or she would provide an endorsement (or, much more likely, that person’s assistant) is the culprit. Of course, it may not be that direct. The person may have passed it on after reading it and someone several times removed from the endorser is selling it.
It turns out it that it was put up by my co-author’s brother:
Inexplicably, this rare and valuable manuscript failed to sell. No doubt it was simply worth more money than anybody could afford.
Oh, gee… I’m sorry. I’m just reading this entry now! Yes, it was my kid brother auctioning the early MS. No one bought it, so now it’s back in my hands/archives.